Added a gallery!
hey folks, if check the menu bar you’ll see that I added a gallery button, it’ll redirect you to my DA page which seems a much smoother fix than trying to have an inbuilt gallery on the site that’d need curating also hahah there’s probably more expanded lore and sneak peek-y stuff available than I realize (things like character shots and explanations for stuff that hasn’t appeared in the comic yet) – hope you enjoy, if’n it be your kinda thing!


been sittin’ on this one for a good few weeks, needed/wanted to wait till everyone had made their initial appearance
in the book, but with Reppy appearin’ now I can share it with ye’s hahah here’s the team in action against a selection
of the Macroverse’s villains (Altera vs Meryl Midas, Mentelle vs Psichosis, Roughhouse vs Outrage, Idol vs Shatterstrike,
Reptilian vs The Voltaic Man, Snowfall vs Malleabus, SB vs Gelgagodon) – can’t wait to get ’em into similar scenes of
battle against the Sentry 7!
the forgotten Youtube.
I dunno if anyone’ll be worried about it, but a while ago I started puttin’ some process videos up on a youtube channel – not for actual comic pages, but there’s some bits and pieces that delve into other characters or at least show ’em, I dunno why I forgot to link it for you guys, the vids are mostly a Patreon thing but they’ll all eventually make it to the channel (I’ve long toyed with the idea of doing comic reviews as well…we’ll see. hahah)
anyway, if you decide to check it out, then enjoy! you can find it here –
SB on GC!
ooft, been a while since I wrote any sort of post eh? hahah
the eagle-eyed amongst you might spot the new link for SB over on Global Comix off to the right,
currently it’s just volume 1 that I’ve got on there, but I’ll get volume 2 on there too at some point,
it might make reading the comic on your phone or the like a little easier.
hope everyone is doin’ good and eeeh…excelsior? hahah