The Challenge
on 16 December 2024
at 17:00
Chapter: Volume 3; Schooled
Characters: Blackbird, Conjurer, Dagon, Migrant, Princess Paragon, Quarterback, Roughhouse, Silverback, Snowfall, Trackstar
Location: Invincible University
I’ll never stop laughing is the answer from all three of them is a resounding no and them just walking away. Again.
Literally no reason to say yes that I can see, being a hero isn’t some vapid popularity contest for the two of them we know. Guessing most or all of the Sentry 7 are living on their ad revenue and don’t find time to do much actual hero work in comparison.
I’ll do you numerically one better: all three of them, plus Conjurer, state a resounding no and just walk away.
Then again, depending on the rules of the Student League Tournament, it might be a good idea. If, like, it’s a way of competing with limited risk and responsible people surveying the event, maybe why not.
Silverback’s Power Trio (now I want to listen to that band’s sound) could even subtly underperform so that the S7 have their empty victory.
Other than that, yeah, a lot of people make awful decisions based on vanity and ego. It’s a sad fact and I wholeheartedly hope S7 outgrow this behavior.
Roughhouse gets it as I hoped he would. Good for him! (Silverback gets it too, and good for him too, but I totally expected him to.)
Also, is it me or have a lot of people (Silverback, Snowfall, Roughhouse, Princess Paragon, Trackstar and Dagon in this very page) color schemes that you don’t often see in superhero comics?
Oh, and interesting that Conjurer is nowhere to be seen in this page. It would be fun to see her, sometime later, drink a cup of tea with Silverback’s Power Trio (now that the name’s cropped up, I can’t let go of it) and explain that yeah, the other six are dicks, but her mentor told her they’d be much worse without her to rein them in.
Oh, and I think the last word in the fifth panel should be “tournament”, not “tournement”.
(Fun fact: I’ve seen “tournement” in a professional comic book, X-Men #1 no less, but that was in a line from Gambit, supposed to be in French. Chris Claremont could do a lot of things extremely well, but at that time he could hardly do correct French.)
Now we are at Hogwarts
As if getting beat by them in some public tournament wouldn’t be a bigger blow to their reputation.
This could be a win-win situation for team Silverback either way though. If they win they establish themselves as upcoming big names. If they loose, they are new and went up against a more experienced group so no shame there either.
And a team up challenge where they outnumber Silverback and friends almost 2 to 1, yeah this is fair