So that’s how and why Roughhouse came to intervene! I really like his expression when saying that. Nicely subdued after the braggadocio of his entrance.
(And yeah, funny as it is for us, seeing and hearing Snowfall taking the godlike entity inside her to task can be a little takes-some-getting-used-to. It might be better if she learned to discuss things with Cailleach using her thoughts and not her tongue, though I’d guess she may be able to usually but is too distressed right now.)
Very astute observation, Roughhouse! Those guys WERE being total dicks.
So that’s how and why Roughhouse came to intervene! I really like his expression when saying that. Nicely subdued after the braggadocio of his entrance.
(And yeah, funny as it is for us, seeing and hearing Snowfall taking the godlike entity inside her to task can be a little takes-some-getting-used-to. It might be better if she learned to discuss things with Cailleach using her thoughts and not her tongue, though I’d guess she may be able to usually but is too distressed right now.)