Hey there, most fancy and adventurous reader and welcome!

What you see before you is me finally getting my act together.

I created Silverback about 22 years ago y’see, and it’s taken till now for the big lug to see to the light of day –

People I know and love are familiar with the character and his extended universe (which I call my Macroverse) and he SHOULD have been my first ever comic that I made – but alas, that title belongs to my other comic- http://www.dillionandrichmond.com 

Which was made primarily to keep me artistically active and has since sort of taken on a life of its own. either way, thank you for being here to share in my experience of finally givin’ SB his chance to shine, I look forward to bringing you many more pages, adventures and an ever-expanding universe of superheroes and comic goodness.

